Content Importer

Alert Service


Purple Importer


There is an alert service for the Purple Importer which allows an email distribution list to be set up if there's a problem importing. If you have enabled the Alert Service and entered your email address, you will receive an automatic email notification if an error occurs during import. If you would like to use the Alert Service, please open a ticket with our Support Helpdesk. We will be happy to set up this service for you.

Alerts will be sent from the email address: [email protected]

Example alert email
Example alert email

Alert for problems with the CSV file

The alert is sent by email if there are problems (syntax/formatting errors) with the CSV file until the error is corrected. The alert is sent every hour. The alert settings always refer to the SFTP server and cannot be adjusted for individual publications on the server.


  • The CSV file is unreadable, e.g. because it contains commas instead of semicolons
  • Unequal column count per line
  • Incorrect date format in the CSV file for
    • "publication date"
    • "unpublish date"
  • Publication of Issue not found in the Purple Manager.

Alert on content not arriving on time

An alert can also be generated for the publication date specified in the CSV file if the specified file has not been processed by the importer within a time window you specify before the time specified in the publication date. For example, if you always publish your issues at 8am, you can specify that an alert is triggered if the file has not been delivered to the server by 7.30am.

Based on the publication date (defined in the CSV file) the notifications can be configured to:

  • Start x* hours/minutes before the publication date
  • Repeat every n hours/minutes
  • Until x* hours/minutes after the publication date

x* = stands for a period defined by you when defining rules for the alerts with us