Connect PPI CX Fusion (fka Tohoop) with Purple Hub
Purple Hub
PPI / CX Fusion / Starlink is a Plugin for Purple Hub that allows to sync articles from the Purple Hub with the PPI "CX Fusion" print system. Using the integration, publishers are able to use articles from their digital CMS Purple Hub for their printed newspaper. PPI CX Fusion offers a bidirectional synchronisation and a print layout preview in the Purple Hub.
- Have an active PPI licence
- Have the 'Administrator' role in Purple Hub
The correct settings for the integration need to be coordinated with PPI directly and are done in the setup phase of each project. The following documentation focuses on the part done by Purple project staff or clients themselves.
There are two things that need to be done on the side of Purple:
- Activation of the Plugins
- Generation of API Keys
In order to setup the configuration correctly, the PPI plugins need to be activated.
1. In Purple Hub --> Plugins, activate the plugins "ppi Starlink" and "ppi Block Tools"
2. Contact the PPI project manager for the correct configuration of the PPI Settings

The connection between PPI CX Fusion / Starlink and Purple Hub is done on a per user basis. There are two ways how this can be setup:
- Authentication using standard Purple Hub credentials
- Authentication using a user based "Application Password"
Since using the standard Purple Hub credentials means, that some PPI calls to the Purple Hub have to go through the Purple SSO Authentication-system, there is a performance impact. Using the "Application Password" offers better performance.
Purple strongly recommends using the Application Password for the PPI integration
How do you create an Application Password?
For the integration of PPI using the Application Password, a Purple Hub administrator needs to generate an Application Password for every Purple Hub user that wants to use PPI.
To create an Application Password for a Purple Hub user, take the following steps:
- In Purple Hub, go to "Users" --> "All Users" and select the user for whom you want to generate the application password from the list and click on it.
- On the user profile, scroll down to the "Application Passwords" section

3. Enter the name for the password - ideally showing what the password is for. In the case of the PPI integration the name "PPI" is recommended.
4. Once you Click on "Add New Application Password" a box is shown with the new Application Password for that user

PLEASE NOTE: This is the only time the password is shown. Make sure to copy the password. After the page is reloaded, there is no way to view the password again.
5. Once the password is generated it is possible to revoke the password for the user.

6. Once all the passwords are generated, please provide them to your contact at PPI to finish the setup
USE ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATION: When sending passwords to partners, always make sure to use an encrypted way of communication. Email is not encrypted and not secure.