Content Importer




In order to setup an import workflow for your content, there are a few tasks to be done, before we can start publishing content in one of your Purple products.

An sFTP server connected to Purple (provided by the Purple Support team)

sFTP stands for "Secure File Transfer Protocol." It's a way to securely transfer files between computers over a network. Imagine you have two computers, like your laptop and a server where you store important documents. SFTP lets you move files between these computers safely, ensuring that the data remains private and protected from unauthorized access.

Think of SFTP storage as a virtual space on a server where you can store files securely. It's like having a locked box in a digital warehouse where only you and authorized users can access and store files. This method of storing files is commonly used by businesses to safeguard sensitive information, such as financial records, customer data, or proprietary documents.

An import CSV file with metadata information

The CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a simple and widely used file format for storing tabular data, such as spreadsheet or database information.

Here's a breakdown of its general setup: Rows and Columns Like a table, a CSV file consists of rows and columns. Each row represents a separate entry or record, and each column represents a specific attribute or piece of information related to that entry. Delimiter CSV files use a delimiter to separate the values in each row. The most common delimiter is a comma (,), but other characters like semicolons (;) or tabs (\t) can also be used depending on the software or system requirements.

At Purple, we use semicolon (;). Please exclusively use this as a delimiter.

Headers Typically, the first row of a CSV file contains headers, which are names or labels for each column. These headers describe the data in each column and help users understand what each column represents. Data Values Following the header row, each subsequent row contains the actual data values. These values are separated by the delimiter and correspond to the columns defined by the headers.