Purple Wires

Purple Wires: Article overview page


Purple Hub


In Purple Wires, the article overview page shows all fetched articles in order of date.


Article Overview Page

Filter & search

Filter & search works as on article overview. After submitting a search or filter you have the option to save this filter. Saving filters is related to a user account, so every user may have different filters.

In the opened modal you can define a proper descriptive name for the filter.

Filter in Purple Wires

To use a filter you can select it from the 'Stored filter' dropdown and click 'Run'

Filter in Purple Wires

A selected filter can also be removed by clicking 'Delete'.


The preview can be toggled by clicking the article row (NOT the article headline as this will lead to single article view). The row will be highlighted and the preview area will show up in the right side. In the top of the preview area you have the control buttons, below them you have the article preview.

Preview in Purple Wires

Every button is also accessible by single key on your keyboard:

  • < 'b' (before) or ''
  • Use as post 'u' (use)
  • Delete from list 'd' (delete) or 't' (trash)
  • > 'n' (next) or ''
  • X Close 'c' (close) or 'x'

'Use article' will move the article from fetch list to article overview. Author will be taken from source setup. Post status will be 'draft'.

'Delete article' will remove the article from fetch list.

'Close' closes the panel (as this will also be closed on clicking an article row that is highlighted as active.

You can cycle through all the articles that are shown in the overview page.