Add a new translation language to your app
Purple Manager
In this article, you learn how to add a new language to the native translation text in your app which is coming from the textkeys.xlsx that is stored in Purple Manager. You will download the textkeys.xlsx, integrate a new language, reupload the file and rebuild your app.
If you want to apply this change for your Purple App, you have to rebuild the app. It demands a new submit in the apps store, to make the change visible to your users.
- Have an app created in Purple Manager
- Have at least 'App Admin' role in Purple Manager
1. Go to Purple Manager -> 'Apps' -> 'Overview'

2. Click on the three dots in the upper menu bar

3. Click on 'Translations' in the dropdown

4. Next to 'app translation' click on the download arrow to download the textkeys.xlsx

5. Open the textkeys.xlsx file on your computer
6. Go to row 1 in the sheet and choose the column next to the last existing translation language (in this example, column G). Type the short form of the language that you want to add in the cell. E.g. 'es' for Spanish.

7. Fill the whole column of your newly added language with the translations. E.g. all Spanish translations in row 'G' below 'es'

8. After you have added all translations to the sheet, click 'File' and 'Save'

9. Close the textkeys.xlsx
10. Go back to Purple Manager, click on 'Upload Translation' and upload the textkeys.xlsx

11. Next to 'language selection' you can now see your newly added language in the list

12. You can now rebuild the app as an app Preview to test your changes. If everything looks good, resubmit your app, to make the changes visible to your users.