3rd party integrations

Consent Management App & Web


Since the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR in 2016, it’s mandatory within the EU to ask your users for permission to track and analyse their user data.

GDPR mandates that consent must be:

  • Freely Given
    Users must have a genuine choice to accept or decline consent without facing adverse consequences.
  • Specific
    Consent must be granular, covering distinct processing purposes.
  • Informed
    Users should be adequately informed about data processing activities.
  • Unambiguous
    There must be a clear affirmative action indicating agreement.
  • Revocable
    Users must be able to withdraw their consent easily at any time.

A Consent Management Platform (CMP) is a specialized tool designed to help organizations comply with GDPR's consent requirements. CMPs provide a user interface for collecting, storing, and managing consents across various digital platforms, ensuring that all interactions with users are compliant with GDPR standards.

How Consent Management works in Purple Apps

Purple offers integrations with various CMPs, such as:

Every customer uses their own respective CMP and has a particular contract with the CMP provider. Product in the Product, we neither know what CMP must be configured nor its external configuration and access.

Please refer to the sub-pages or the respective documentation of the CMPs to learn more about their capabilities.

Additionally, Purple Apps on iOS comply to Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, a privacy feature introduced by Apple that requires app developers to ask for user consent before collecting data across apps and websites owned by other companies. ATT is part of Apple's broader effort to enhance user privacy and give users more control over their personal information.

  1. Explicit Consent Requirement: Apps must request permission to track a user's activities across apps and websites through a standardized prompt.
  2. Transparency: Users are informed about what data will be tracked and for what purposes, providing a clear understanding of how their data will be used.
  3. User Control: Users can grant or deny tracking permissions on a per-app basis, allowing them to tailor their privacy settings to their preferences.
  4. Compliance and Enforcement: Apps must comply with ATT guidelines or face removal from the App Store, ensuring adherence to Apple's privacy standards.

First consent screen

This is an example modal consent-screen of a configuration with 'Sourcepoint' in a Purple app:

Consent screen in Purple App

In this example, the primary buttons are 'Reject All' and 'Accept All' and additionally there is a 'Show Options' link.

A specific tracking/analytics service in your app will only be loaded if the user has consented to the service Either by consenting to all or to the specific tracking/analytics service by clicking "Accept all". Otherwise the tracking/analytics service(s) are not loaded. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Second consent screen

Often there are two layers used, the first one is like the one on the screenshot above and the second one displays the detailed configuration of all services. This screen can also be made accessible for the user via the app menu, so that she/he has the option to change the settings anytime.

For you to open the screen, in the Purple Experience or another Html in the app, it can be shown via JS API or action URL. Read details below.


You can use the JS-API as follows anywhere in your code:



You can use the Action-URL as follows anywhere in your HTML:


Find an Example of this 2nd screen, made with a 'Consentmanager' configuration, below:

Second consent screen in Purple App