Building a Purple Experience

Experience Menus


Menus in the Purple Experience are used to enable dynamic configuration of 'lists' where the users may navigate to different parts of the app or website or also to external URLs.

There are two ways to configure menus in the context of the Purple Experience:

  • App Menus aim for native Purple Apps (configured through app-menu.xml, seeStatic Routing and App menu configuration in the Purple Experience)
    • Side Menu, also configured within Experience Builder, allows to override the app menu-xml in web.
  • Purple Cloud Menus are configured in the Hub and published to the Purple Content Cloud, thus accessible through the Menu Component, GraphQL and the Purple API

Native app menus are also displayed on websites, if no hub is configured.

Benefits and Limitations

App Menus

Purple Cloud Menus

  • nested menus
  • Configurable through the hub and thus, through Journalists
  • Addition to App Menus - any native App must have an App Menu.