Set up a project
Purple Experience Builder

Using the Purple Experience Builder


Purple Experience Builder


Usually, when you make any changes to the dynamic resources, you will do that in the Purple Experience Builder.

The basic steps for that always remain the same:

  • open up the Experience Builder in your browser
  • Pull your resources
  • edit the desired resources to your liking
  • merge them to preview
  • check your changes from the preview application
  • deploy your dynamic resources to production

Depending on your project setup, you may have multiple apps available to choose from. Typically, you will also have a staging environment available, which we recommend for testing your changes. Please refer to your project knowledge base accordingly.

Select your App

After Login, you can select the app you want to access from the list.

select the app you want to access from the list

Tips & Tricks

  • You can use the arrow keys of your keyboard to navigate and press enter to open the current highlighted app
  • The most recently opened apps are always shown on the top

On the top dropdown, you can select the team your app is inside.

Pull your resources

Press: "Pull from preview". The latest dynamic resources from your preview are loaded so you can edit them.

Click on 'Pull from preview'

Edit the dynamic resources

After pulling your resources, the application present a filesystem. Per default, if you don't to platform specifics, your changes should be applied in default/storefront/assets.

Start editing those files.

Merge your edited files to preview

To merge your changes navigate to top-right Burger menu:

Click on the burger menu

Click on 'Update Dynamic Resources'

Click on 'Update Dynamic Resources'

In the text field, name your changes, e.g. 'changed logo 23.08.23'

Name your changes

10. Click on 'Merge all files to preview'

Click on 'Merge all files to preview'

After the merging is done, you can open your preview app on your mobile device to verify your changes on the device. We recommend to always do a quick check on a real device.

Finally, you can now deploy your changes to the production environment.