Purple Growth

ISIN extraction


Purple Growth


The ISIN extraction service allows you to automatically add metadata to an article about the companies and organizations that are referenced in it.


In order to store ISIN information with the articles, you need to create a "Custom Field Group" (see Create Custom Fields in Purple Hub). The field group should have a repetition called "ISINs", with a text field called "ISIN" inside:

Document image

Furthermore, you will need to set up Purple Growth properly (see Purple Growth – Setup for instructions).


After writing the text for an article, click the "Extract ISINs automatically" button. This triggers the ISIN detection. Once finished, the list of ISINs gets filled with one entry per detected company.

Document image

Each entry contains the following three items (from left to right):

  • the selected ISIN
  • a dropdown for selecting which concrete ISIN should be used for representing this company
  • the phrase from the article that was used to detect this company

You can also manually add ISIN entries to this list. Just click the corresponding button in the lower right, to add a new entry to the ISIN list. You can then enter the ISIN manually. In this case, the dropdown and phrase items will not be added.

You can delete and reorder entries in the list similar to other ACF: hover over the right border to display the delete button, then click it twice to remove an entry (both for manual and generated entries). To reorder, click and hold an entry and then move it to the desired position via drag-and-drop.

Updated 31 Jul 2024
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