Setup real-time developer notifications for Android in Google Play Account
Purple Manager
In this article, you learn how to set up real time developer notifications for Android in your Google Play Account, send a test notification from the Google Play console and check the RTDN status in Purple Manager.
- All apps in your Purple Manager team are part of the same Google Play account
- In the Google Play console, have a Google Cloud project linked below API access
1. Go to and click on the projects dropdown

2. Choose your desired project from the list by setting a hook next to it

3. Click on 'OPEN'

4. Click on 'CREATE TOPIC'

5. Type an ID for your topic that describes your app, in our example "documentation-app"

6. Click on 'CREATE TOPIC'

7. Click on 'Subscriptions'


9. Enter a subscription ID e.g. the name of your topic ID "documentation-app"

10. Go to 'Select a Cloud Pub/Sub topic' and choose your previously created topic by clicking on it

11. Scroll down to 'Delivery type' and click on 'Push'

12. Click on 'Endpoint URL' and paste the URL depending on the environment which you are using for your app in Purple Manager:
Production: Staging:

13. Scroll down to 'Retry policy' and click on 'Retry after exponential backoff delay'

14. Click in the field 'Minimum backoff (seconds)' and type '10'

15. Click in the field 'Maximum backoff (seconds)' and type '600'

16. Click on 'CREATE'

17. Choose your recently created topic by clicking on it.

18. Click on 'ADD PRINCIPAL'

19. Click on 'New Principals' and paste "[email protected]" into the field

20. Below 'Assign Roles' click on 'Select a role'

21. Choose 'Pub/Sub' and click on 'Pub/Sub Publisher'

22. Click on 'SAVE'

23. Click on the arrow to go back to the topics list page. Keep the browser tab open.

24. Open a second tab in your browser
25. Go to Google Play Console, choose your app, and click on 'Monetisation setup'

26. Click on 'Topics'

27. Click on your previously created topic in the column 'topic ID' (in this example 'documentation-app')

28. Go to 'Topic name' and copy the name by clicking on the copy symbol

29. Go back to the open browser tab 'Google Play Console'
30. Next to 'Topic name' paste your copied topic name (in this example 'projects/pc-api-8140844497551027397-306/topics/documentation-app') into the field

31. Click on 'Send test notification'

32. Click on 'Save Changes'
33. Go to Purple Manager -> 'Apps' -> 'Overview'

34. Click on the three dots

35. Click on 'App status' in the dropdown

36. RTDN Status shows the time when the test notification was triggered from the Google Play console