ToC for e-paper in the app
Purple Apps come with three different options to display a ToC (table of contents) for your e-papers in the app. It's possible to enable all of them in parallel in your app, if you wish to do so.
You can find a preview of the feature is displayed in the screenshot below: The ToC for your e-paper issues (1) will be displayed in the e-paper when tabbing on the ToC symbol (2) within the issue. To close it, tab on the X-symbol (3). Read this guide, to see how to enable it.

You can find a preview of the feature displayed in the screenshot below: The HTML ToC for your e-paper issues will be automatically generated and displayed in the e-paper between the first page and the second page. Read this guide, to see how to enable it.

You can find a preview of the feature displayed in the screenshot below: The read mode ToC for your e-paper issues will be automatically generated and displayed in the read mode. (1) The read mode ToC will be displayed in the read mode when tabbing on the ToC symbol (2) within the issue. To close it, tab on the X-symbol (3) Read this guide, to see how to enable it.