Multi langugage

Add automatic disclaimers to machine-translated content



When using machine translation to translate content, you can set up a disclaimer to be appended to translated posts

On the settings page of Polylang (see Set up machine translations), there is a section for activating the machine translation disclaimer. When activating this option, there is a text area to define what content should be added to each post that gets machine-translated. Here you can paste one (or more) Gutenberg blocks to be appended. They can be common blocks like a simple paragraph, or even custom blocks like seen in the screenshot below (see Create a custom block in Purple Hub), which can then by styled dynamically on the frontend.

Document image

Once this is configured, when a post gets machine translated (see Use machine translations of article contents with DeepL), this disclaimer block will automatically be appended to it.

Original post in german.
Original post in german.

Machine-translated post in english, with the disclaimer custom block appended.
Machine-translated post in english, with the disclaimer custom block appended.

These disclaimer blocks are just regular content blocks, so they can also be added / removed manually.