Creating Content

Article rating with star rating block in Purple Hub


Purple Hub


  • The block is add-able to the text editor in Purple Hub
  • The block appears in the app/website preview
  • The block appears in the app/website
  • The users can vote for the content with the given star rating

How-to guide

  1. For using the feature in your WordPress User Interface, click on  'Purple Feed' in the left-hand side menu bar. Click on 'Articles' and 'Add Article'.  
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2. Click on the '+' icon on the upper left-hand side to open the block menu. 

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3. Choose the 'Star rating block' and click on it to add it to the article.

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4. To configure the star rating, click next to the block to open the menu, choose the three-dot menu, and click on 'Show Block Settings'.

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5. In the right-hand sidebar, you can now customize the star rating: colour, amount, size, and value. You can also change the colour of the text below the stars. 

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