Managing Content
Purple Redirects

Change the slug of a taxonomy


Purple Hub


This article guides you step by steps through changing the slug within the URL of a (published) taxonomy and automatically create a redirect to the new slug, on the taxonomy itself. The same way works for all types of taxonomies in Purple Hub.


  • Have a taxonomy (e.g. category) created and published in Purple Hub
  • Have an Editor or Managing Editor role in Purple Hub

How to​​

1. Go to your Purple Hub

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2. Click on 'Purple Feed'

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3. Click on 'Categories'

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4. Select the taxonomy, which you want to rename/redirect and click on 'Edit'

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5. Next to 'Name', change the name of the taxonomy to your liking

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6. Next to 'Slug' change the slug of the taxonomy to create the redirect

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7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Update'

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You have successfully created a redirect for your taxonomy from the previous slug to the new one, that you have defined by changing the slug. Your redirect automatically got created as a 301 redirect. You can find it on the Redirects settings page in Purple Hub.