Content Importer

Purple Monitoring Server


Purple Monitoring Server


The Purple Monitoring Server is an interface to control the import process (when importing content via sFTP import) and the transformation of your imported data by Purple Importer and Purple Transformer, as well as to report any errors to the user. This article describes all the features and options available in the interface.



Link to the production environment:

Link to the staging environment:


Purple Monitoring Server Login
Purple Monitoring Server Login

The Purple Monitoring Server accesses the associated SFTP server used by the same user to upload data to Purple. Users can therefore log in to the Purple Monitoring Server with the same credentials they use for the SFTP server.

Monitoring view

Several columns can be seen in the Purple Monitoring Server interface

Columns whose data comes from the import CSV

Columns whose data comes from the import CSV
Columns whose data comes from the import CSV

The content displayed in these columns comes 1:1 from the import CSV that you uploaded when you uploaded your data to the SFTP server.

  1. publication: Name that you have given to this publication
  2. issue: Name you have given to this issue
  3. publication date: Date and time you have defined for the uploaded issue

Columns that represent the import process

Columns that represent the import process
Columns that represent the import process

4. File date: Date and time at which the data package you uploaded (PDF with/without E-pub as a ZIP file) was stored on the sFTP server. 5. Queue date: Shows the time (date and time) at which your uploaded data package was placed in the processing queue. 6. Start date: Time at which the processing of your uploaded data package began. 7. Processing date: Time at which the processing of your uploaded data packet is completed. 8. Status: Shows the current status of your data package. The following status messages are available:

  • FUTURE: The PDF or ZIP file is missing from the sFTP upload for an issue where the publication date has not been reached yet.
  • IMPORTED: The issue was successfully imported to the publication
  • MISSING: The PDF or ZIP file is missing from the sFTP upload: The file referenced in the import CSV could not be found in the upload folder on the sFTP server. This implies that the publication date has already been reached.
  • PENDING: The file/issue was found and is currently in the queue/preparing for processing
  • PROCESSING: The file currently gets imported. Ordinary, it should be available in the next 30-45 minutes after start date of the import
  • PUBLISHES SOON: The publication date is within the next 24h and the PDF or ZIP file is (still) missing from the sFTP.
Columns that represent the import process
Columns that represent the import process

9. Error: In the event of a processing error, an error message is displayed here. Some of these error messages have an 'Info icon'. These contain a log file that you can attach to the helpdesk support ticket to simplify troubleshooting.

10. File Size: INPUT: The size of the file package you have uploaded is displayed here (e.g. the sum of the file size of PDF and E-Pub, if you have uploaded both, not compressed, i.e. not as a ZIP file). You can download these file(s) by clicking the 'Download' button on the right. PKAR: During the import we transform your data into our proprietary package format known as PKAR. PKAR serves as our internal package format, specifically designed for handling and processing within our system.

Actions to perform on the Monitoring view

Actions to perform on the Monitoring view
Actions to perform on the Monitoring view

11. Reimport: Used to import the same content package into a new one, i.e. to start the import process again. This is done using exactly the same import CSV and file package that you originally uploaded. If you have made changes to the Config properties file and want them to be applied to your data package, e.g. in the case of a change to the TTS, this option is suitable. This option is not suitable if there is an error in the file, as it will only re-upload the file package and not correct the error.

12. Download: Here you can download the exact file(s) that you uploaded to the sFTP server. This is still uncompressed and in its original state.

13. Reimport Selected: Works like 'Reimport' but can be applied to several entries at the same time by clicking on the checkboxes next to the individual rows

14. Delete Selected: by clicking on the checkboxes next to the individual rows, deletion can be applied to several entries at the same time. The entries are only deleted from the list displayed here in the Monitoring Server, for example, if you want the view to be clearer. Clicking this button does not trigger a deletion of the actual file package from the server, Purple Manager or the CSV file.

15. Items per page: here you can configure the view by limiting or expanding the number of items displayed in the list.

Filter Options

Filters in Purple Monitoring
Filters in Purple Monitoring

  1. Search publication: Enter the name of the publication you want to filter exactly as you named it for importing via sFTP.
  2. Search issue: Enter the name of the issue you want to filter exactly as you named it for importing via sFTP.
  3. Published: When selecting a date by clicking on the calendar icon, you can search for an article published after and/or before your specified date.
Filters in Purple Monitoring
Filters in Purple Monitoring

4. Status: By ticking the checkboxes from the list, you can filter by the specific status code of the issue you are looking for

  • ERROR: Something else went wrong, your issue could not be imported. The most common errors are:
    • Publication could not be found: The publication mentioned in the import CSV file does not exist in your Purple Manager team. Check spelling and capitalisation.
    • The CSV file does not match the requirements: Full requirements can be found here: CSV Configuration. The most common configuration mistakes:
      • Usage of comma instead of semicolon
      • The Import CSV file is not UTF-8 encoded -> this can happen if Excel is used to create the CSV file 
      • Unsupported date format for publication date
    • The File (PDF or EPUB) does not meet the requirements: 
      • PDF file broken or does not meet requirements can lead to import error. PDF requirements: 
        Requirements for PDF imports
      • EPUB File broken EPUB requirements: 
        XML (EPUB) Specification
  • FUTURE: The PDF or ZIP file is missing from the sFTP upload for an issue where the publication date has not been reached yet.
  • IMPORTED: The issue was successfully imported to the publication
  • MISSING: The PDF or ZIP file is missing from the sFTP upload: The file referenced in the import CSV could not be found in the upload folder on the sFTP server. This implies that the publication date has already been reached.
  • PENDING: The file/issue was found and is currently in the queue/preparing for processing
  • PROCESSING: The file currently gets imported. Ordinary, it should be available in the next 30-45 minutes after start date of the import
  • PUBLISHES SOON: The publication date is within the next 24h and the PDF or ZIP file is (still) missing from the sFTP.

5. Auto Refresh: If you have ticked the checkbox here (recommended), the view on the right refreshes automatically as soon as a change occurs in the process. This means that it is no longer necessary to reload the page to make a change visible