Transformer Configuration
Purple Importer
The Purple Transformer analyses input documents ingested via Purple Importer, allows users to select configurations tailored to their needs, performs transformations, validates the results and generates the desired output formats. Its range of applications includes document conversion, customisation, access settings, workflow automation and content management. These configurations are set in the file that is imported with the content in Purple Importer.
In any configuration file ( for transformer specific properties you may include properties that apply to multiple subdirectories from a parent directory by specifying a "parent" configuration file like this:
All properties declared in the configuration file will overwrite the same property declaration from the specified parent configuration file.
The parent configuration file does not necessarily need to be in the parent directory or be called "".
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
pagesPerStage | int (>0) | 2 | Number of pages except for start and end (see below), for single-page PDFs use 1, usually it's a double sided PDF, so 2 is default |
pagesPerStageFromStart | int (>0) | 1 | Number of pages in the PDF that belong to a start group, which has the pagesPerStageFromStart number of pages on each stage, for double-sided PDFs it's 1, because there is one cover page |
numberOfPagesFromStart | int (>=0) | 1 | Number of pages per stage for the start group, for double sided PDFs it's 1 because there is a single page at the beginning |
pagesPerStageFromEnd | int (>0) | 1 | Number of pages in the PDF that belong to an end group, which has the pagesPerStageFromEnd number of pages on each stage, for double-sided PDFs it's 1, because there is one final page |
numberOfPagesFromEnd | int (>=0) | 1 | Number of pages per stage for the end group, for double sided PDFs it's 1 because there is a single page at the end |
removeTitlePage | bool | false | If true the title page is removed. This might be useful for PDFs that are starting with a double page and are processed by X-Cago, as they will prepend a blank single page in order to process everything correctly. |
preview | bool | false | Flag indicating whether the transformation is made for a preview version or for the complete version |
maxPagesOfPreviewVersion | int (> 0) | - | Maximum number of pages of a preview version of the issue (including the numberOfNonePreviewStages), if not declared all pages are included, please be aware that the purchase suggestion will be only shown on stages that are part of the preview but go beyond the numberOfNonePreviewStages. For example for a magazine with a cover page a maxPagesOfPreviewVersion=9 and a numberOfNonePreviewStages=4 will show the first 7 pages (i.e. 4 stages) normally and pages 8-9 (i.e. stage 5) blurred and having a purchase suggestion. |
numberOfNonePreviewStages | int (>=0) | 0 | The number of stages that are displayed completely (not blurred) |
numberOfNonePreviewPages | int (>=0) | 0 | The number of pages that are displayed completely (not blurred), this is to be preferred over numberOfNonePreviewStages |
previewPages | String | - | If dedicated preview pages shall be rendered, here one can specify which pages are part of the preview. It's given like this: 1,2-3,7,9 If set, maxPagesOfPreviewVersion and numberOfNonePreviewStages/numberOfNonePreviewPages are ignored and numberOfBlurredPages, numberOfPurchaseSuggestionPages and blurredPagesIncludedInPreviewPages is used to calculate the total number of pages (these pages plus blurred pages at the end if blurredPagesIncludedInPreviewPages is false). Usually this is set by the corresponding CSV column for each issue. This value is a default if no value is set in the importer CSV. |
numberOfBlurredPages | int (>=0) | 2 | if previewPages is set, this value specifies the number of blurred pages rendered either after the preview pages (blurredPagesIncludedInPreviewPages = false) or from the number of blurred pages is rendered from the end of the declared preview pages (blurredPagesIncludedInPreviewPages = true). These blurred pages will show the purchase suggestion if numberOfPurchaseSuggestionPages is not set to specify a different number of pages with purchase suggestion. |
blurredPagesIncludedInPreviewPages | bool | false | if previewPages is set, this flag indicates whether the numberOfBlurredPages are rendered additionally to the declared preview pages (if false) or from the end of the declared preview pages (if true). |
numberOfPurchaseSuggestionPages | int (>=0) | - | Usually the numberOfBlurredPages also defines which pages show the purchase suggestion. If this should differ (e.g. there are no blurred pages but there needs to be a purchase suggestion at the end) this value specifies the number of pages from the end that show a purchase suggestion. |
minZoom | decimal (>0.0) | 1.0 | Minimum zoom level, which is 1.0 for original size, if a four-times ratio zoom out should be enabled it would be 0.25 |
maxZoom | decimal (>minZoom) | 4.0 | Maximum zoom level (for zooming in) |
stageWidth | int (>0) | 768 | This is the width of the stage, which is a virtual number of points not related to any resolution of images. The height is calculated from the aspect ration of the PDF |
normalResourceOutputType | String (pdf/jpg/png) | Determined the format of the normal page output | |
forceRGBProfile | bool | false | If set to true all pages with CMYK profile will be forced to RGB output. This may result in inappropriate colours due to CMYK profiles not correctly transformed to RGB. It is not recommended to process CMYK PDF files and use this flag at all due to all potential problems converting CMYK profiles. |
normalResourceOutputDensity | int (>0) | 100 | Density of the normal page output. This is usually only used for images (jpg/png) but also for PDF when downsampling is enabled (see pdfDownSamplingEnabled) |
normalResourceOutputAntiAliasing | int (>=0) | 1 | Anti-aliasing for normal page output of images are used instead of PDF (0 = off), higher values lead to longer transformation time, normally 1 is sufficient |
normalResourceOutputImageQuality | decimal (0.0 - 100.0) | 100.0 | The quality for normal resource images, relevant only for JPG image output |
thumbnailActive | bool | true | Determines if as a background of the page a thumbnail is rendered which is shown until the normal page output is rendered |
pageImageHeight | int (>0) | 200 | Height of the page thumbnail that is rendered in the background of a page, this number determines the quality of the loading image - especially relevant for preview quality where no normal page is displayed, adjust this to a lower value if the preview is not blurred enough |
thumbnailOutputType | String (jpg/png) | jpg | Format of thumbnail images (usually JPG as they are blurry anyway) |
tocThumbnailHeight | int (>0) | 200 | Height of the thumbnail image displayed in the table of contents (the higher the better quality) |
tocThumbnailOutputType | String (jpg/png) | jpg | Format of the image displayed in the table of contents |
extractCoverPath | String | - | If in addition to the pkar a cover shall be extracted, this determines the file path to save the cover (including the file type jpg/png) |
thumbnailHeight | int (>0) | 512 | Height of the cover thumbnail that is rendered in the background of a page, this number determines the quality of the cover image - adjust this to a lower value if the preview is not blurred enough |
transparentStageBackground | bool | false | If true, the background of the stage, the PDF is rendered on top, will be set to transparent instead of white. This way the surface of the app/web background will shine through transparent PDF pages. |
splitLandscapePages | bool | false | if true all landscape PDF pages will be split into half horizontally. |
useTrimBox | bool | false | Cut PDF to trim box before processing |
pdfSinglePageUploadEnabled | bool | fase | If enabled the PDF is also saved in single pages under the PDF output path with a suffix for each page and a JSON file besides describing the pages |
splitIntoSmallFiles | bool | false | If PDF single pages within the pkar are very big, so that the overall pkar is too large, this parameter may help to minify the single PDF pages. |
ignorePDFLinks | bool | false | If set to true, all links in the PDF are ignored. By default links are transformed to touch areas opening the referenced page or external link. |
ignorePDFLinksInPreview | bool | false | If set to true, all links in the PDF are ignored for the preview version of the issue. By default links are transformed to touch areas opening the referenced page or external link. If ignorePDFLinks is set to true, links are also ignored for the preview version of the issue. |
ignorePDFToC | bool | false | If set to true, the table of contents that is given as part of the PDF is ignored. By default the TOC of the PDF is used to create the TOC with corresponding labels for the transformed content. |
transformFullAdvertisementPagesToImage | bool | false | Transforms all full advertisements pages to JPG images (only if PDF is normalResourceOutputType and an EPUB is provided to recognise advertisement pages) |
transformPartialAdvertisementPagesToImage | bool | false | Transforms all partial advertisements pages to JPG images (only if PDF is normalResourceOutputType and an EPUB is provided to recognise advertisement pages) |
renderHTMLToC | bool | false | Renders an article-based read-mode styled table of contents besides the cover page (only if an EPUB is provided, so an article TOC is available, which can also be styled with custom.css and custom.js from dynamic resources), it rendered on a separate page if renderHTMLToCAfterPage is set |
renderHTMLToCAfterPage | int | - | If set (and renderHTMLToC=true) the HTML page is not rendered besides the cover page but after the given page as a standalone page. It has an entry in the issue TOC if renderHTMLToCTitle is also set. |
renderHTMLToCTitle | String | - | If set (and renderHTMLToC=true and renderHTMLToCAfterPage is also set) this is the title of the TOC entry (e.g. "Inhaltsverzeichnis" or "Table of Contents"). |
issueSourceNameTemplate | String | - | A template that defines how the issue source name is compiled. The issue source name is a custom property used in Purple Apps, Purple Manager and Purple Hub to tag every content piece that is related to the same issue. The template contains parameters that match columns of the CSV in braces, e.g. {publication} or {issue number}. Also custom properties from the CSV may be included as {custom property name}. |
multiPagePDF | bool | false | Transform all pdf pages on one stage into a single multi-page PDF. This is relevant for printing feature as printing works only with a multi-page PDF. This does only work with PDF output type, not JPG. |
linkWithAlignment | bool | false | Transforms links to action URLs that link to the stage AND scroll to the correct page (e.g. on double side PDF pages in portrait mode). |
htmlPurchaseSuggestionURL | String | - | If the purchase suggestion should be rendered as HTML this specifies the URL to the HTML page |
htmlPurchaseSuggestionCoordinates | String | - | If htmlPurchaseSuggestionURL is given this is the set of coordinates the specify the relative position of the HTML page rendered on top of the PDF. The coordinated are given as X1,Y1,Y2,Y2 where each value represents the factor of the coordinate multiplied by the x- or y-dimension. For example does 0.2,0.3,0.8,0.7 on a 500x1000 page render to (100|300) top left and (400|700) bottom right. |
linkHighLightColor | String | - | The highlight color of the link specified as #rrggbbaa (a=alpha) |
linkHighLightAnimationPeriods | String | - | if linkHighLightColor is given this defines the fade-in, stay-visible and fade-out period of highlighting in ms. For example does 200,500,300 fade in for 200ms, let it stay visible for 500ms and fade out for 300 ms. If fade-in is 0, it immediately appears, if stay-visible is 0 it stays visible for ever, if fade-out is 0 it fades out immediately (only if stay-visible is > 0). |
puzzleLinkHighLightColor | String | - | The highlight color of the link specified as #rrggbbaa (a=alpha) |
puzzleLinkHighLightAnimationPeriods | String | - | if linkHighLightColor is given this defines the fade-in, stay-visible and fade-out period of highlighting in ms. For example does 200,500,300 fade in for 200ms, let it stay visible for 500ms and fade out for 300 ms. If fade-in is 0, it immediately appears, if stay-visible is 0 it stays visible for ever, if fade-out is 0 it fades out immediately (only if stay-visible is > 0). |
readmodeLinkHighLightColor | String | - | The highlight color of the read-mode touch areas specified as #rrggbbaa (a=alpha) |
readmodeLinkHighLightAnimationPeriods | String | - | if readmodeLinkHighLightAnimationPeriods is given this defines the fade-in, stay-visible and fade-out period of highlighting in ms. For example does 200,500,300 fade in for 200ms, let it stay visible for 500ms and fade out for 300 ms. If fade-in is 0, it immediately appears, if stay-visible is 0 it stays visible for ever, if fade-out is 0 it fades out immediately (only if stay-visible is > 0). |
readmodeExternalLinkHighLightColor | String | - | The highlight color of the read-mode external links specified as #rrggbbaa (a=alpha) |
readmodeExternalLinkHighLightAnimationPeriods | String | - | if readmodeExternalLinkHighLightColor is given this defines the fade-in, stay-visible and fade-out period of highlighting in ms. For example does 200,500,300 fade in for 200ms, let it stay visible for 500ms and fade out for 300 ms. If fade-in is 0, it immediately appears, if stay-visible is 0 it stays visible for ever, if fade-out is 0 it fades out immediately (only if stay-visible is > 0). |
dynamicAdvertisingConfig-<id> | String | JSON | - | A dynamic ad config ingests HTML pages from dynamic app resources at specific pages. The id is referenced from the CSV file via the "ads" column. It may contain a comma separated list of dynamic ad configuration ids. Example for the JSON format for a dynamic ad configuration: {
"<page-number>": {
"view": "<relative path to file in dynamic resources>",
"zoom": true|false (allow zoom),
"toc": true|false (show in ToC),
}, ... } |
See also our latest EPUB Format Specification (Word.doc and PDF below)
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
noReadModeInPreview | bool | false | If true the read mode will not be created for preview versions, also if skipArticleCreation in combination with externalLinkSchema and webViewUrlSchema is used for some read mode configurations, no touch areas will be generated |
readModePackage | String | - | Path to the read mode styling package (deprecated as read mode styling can also be added to dynamic resources) |
puzzlePackage | String | - | Path to the puzzle styling package |
puzzleSolutionURL | String | - | URL for the puzzle solution action button (which is not displayed if empty) |
readModeVersion | String | 1 | Use 2 for modern read mode, especially for TTS read mode |
readmodeToC | bool | false | Display table of contents in read mode |
ignoreAdvertisement | bool | false | Do not create read mode articles for advertisement articles (false=show advertisement articles) |
ignoreAdvertisementInTTS | bool | false | If ignoreAdvertisement is false (advertisements are imported as articles) and TTS is active this ignores those articles in TTS |
optimizeTouchAreas | bool | false | If set to true the touch areas leading to articles are combined to optimal fitting rectangles not intersecting different articles on one page. This is particularly important if the new read mode is used, where articles from Purple Hub are pushed to the app as these touch areas are web views. The less web views there are on a page the better it loads pages. |
orderTouchAreas | bool | false | In some cases, the EPUB may contain article block definitions where an inner rectangle is followed by an outer, which results in the bigger touch area overlying the smaller one. If orderTouchAreas is set to true, touch areas are sorted in a way that inner rectangles always follow outer ones. |
stripColors | bool | false | Strips all individual colors from read mode content |
awsPollyLanguageCode | String | - | Language code for AWS Polly TTS, see also |
awsPollyVoices | String | - | List of voices for Amazon AWS Polly TTS separated with a comma with it's gender (male or female) separated with the pipe character | (e.g. "Hans|male,Marlene|female"), see also AWS TTS voices. Additionally the "#" separator may be used to opt for another speech engine like "Neural". Example: "Brian#Neural|male,Emma#Neural|female,Amy#Standard|female" |
awsPollyAccessKey | String | - | Access key for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation. This access key needs to belong to user that is configured in AWS IAM service with permission to create files on the S3 bucket (see awsPollyBucket) and also has permissions to fully access AWS Polly. |
awsPollySecretKey | String | - | Secret key for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation. This secret key needs to belong to user that is configured in AWS IAM service with permission to create files on the S3 bucket (see awsPollyBucket) and also has permissions to fully access AWS Polly. |
awsPollyRegion | String | - | AWS region for the S3 bucket to store for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation |
awsPollyBucket | String | - | S3 bucket to store for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation |
awsPollyBucketKeyPrefix | String | - | Prefix for all paths on the S3 bucket, where AWS Polly TTS voice output generation is stored (optional) |
awsPollySampleRate | int | 22050 | Sample rate of the TTS sound files |
awsPollyDelay | int | 0 | Delay between Polly tasks in milliseconds, this can be tweaked to avoid Polly API exceeding limits |
awsPollyReadTitle | bool | false | Flag indicating whether the title should be read prior to reading the content |
ignoreAdvertisementInTTS | bool | false | Flag indicating whether advertisements should be ignored for TTS |
skipArticleCreation | bool | false | Skip creation of read mode articles, used only for Purple Hub based article model on top of PDFs |
externalLinkSchema | String | - | Schema for creating external links instead of read-mode links for article touch areas (e.g. purple://kiosk/issue/by_external_id/{epub}-{page}-{seq}), used only for Purple Hub based article model on top of PDFs |
webViewUrlSchema | String | - | Schema for URL of web-views that are rendered instead of article touch areas (e.g. resource://dynamic/storefront/dispatcher.html?issue={epub}&article={epub}-{page}-{seq}), used only for Purple Hub based article model on top of PDFs |
noImageScaling | bool | false | Per default all images that have more than 2048 width or height are scaled down to 2048. If this flag is set this downscaling is switched off, so that each image is put into read mode with its original dimensions. |
indexArticleContent | bool | false | If this is switched on a search index is created from the EPUB article content. This index is better than the standard content extracted from the PDF. As this is a new feature, it is not active per default but highly recommended to be switched on. |
customReadModeFileName | String | - | If empty, the custom read mode files from dynamic app resources are referenced by resource://dynamic/readmode/custom.css and resource://dynamic/readmode/custom.js If this parameter is set, the resource name "custom" is replaced with this value. E.g. setting this parameter to "readmode" will result in resource://dynamic/readmode/readmode.css and resource://dynamic/readmode/readmode.js Use this parameter to migrate from a deprecated custom read mode implementation to a new one. |
enableArticleInViewData | bool | false | Adds data about articles in view to content in order to support tracking of articles in view. This requires the setting for articleIdSchema properly set, as this defines how articles are identified uniquely. |
articleIdSchema | String | {source} | Template to define how articles are identified. The template may use these variables: {issue} "Source name" of the issue, see issueSourceNameTemplate {source} Original file name of the article in the EPUB file. {target} Name of the article file in the pkar file. {page} Page number (starting with 1) the article starts on {seq} Sequence number of the article on the starting page {title} Title of the article {author} Author of the article (if given in the meta information within the EPUB article) {section} Section of the article (if known) |
If for TTS pronunciation shall be optimized by adding a mapping for phonetic pronunciation, it may be added to the custom readModePackage zip file referenced in the importer configuration.
Mappings can be added with different phonetic alphabets like described in the AWS Polly documentation. The phonetic mapping file must be named phonemes.ipa for ipa alphabet, phonemes.x-amazon-pinyin for x-amazon-pinyin alphabet or phonemes.x-sampa for x-sampa alphabet.
The mapping file consists of words mapped to phonemes like this:
Please make sure you add every grammatical for of each word as the replacement of each word will be as one whole word, not as parts of a word or multiple words.
See also our latest EPUB Format Specification (Word.doc and PDF below)
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
noReadModeInPreview | bool | false | If true the read mode will not be created for preview versions, also if skipArticleCreation in combination with externalLinkSchema and webViewUrlSchema is used for special configurations of the read mode, no touch areas will be generated |
readModePackage | String | - | Path to the read mode styling package (deprecated as read mode styling can also be added to dynamic resources) |
puzzlePackage | String | - | Path to the puzzle styling package |
puzzleSolutionURL | String | - | URL for the puzzle solution action button (which is not displayed if empty) |
readModeVersion | String | 1 | Use 2 for modern read mode, especially for TTS read mode |
readmodeToC | bool | false | Display table of contents in read mode |
ignoreAdvertisement | bool | false | Do not create read mode articles for advertisement articles (false=show advertisement articles) |
ignoreAdvertisementInTTS | bool | false | If ignoreAdvertisement is false (advertisements are imported as articles) and TTS is active this ignores those articles in TTS |
optimizeTouchAreas | bool | false | If set to true the touch areas leading to articles are combined to optimal fitting rectangles not intersecting different articles on one page. This is particularly important if the new read mode is used, where articles from Purple Hub are pushed to the app as these touch areas are web views. The less web views there are on a page the better it loads pages. |
orderTouchAreas | bool | false | In some cases, the EPUB may contain article block definitions where an inner rectangle is followed by an outer, which results in the bigger touch area overlying the smaller one. If orderTouchAreas is set to true, touch areas are sorted in a way that inner rectangles always follow outer ones. |
stripColors | bool | false | Strips all individual colors from read mode content |
awsPollyLanguageCode | String | - | Language code for AWS Polly TTS, see also |
awsPollyVoices | String | - | List of voices for Amazon AWS Polly TTS separated with a comma with it's gender (male or female) separated with the pipe character | (e.g. "Hans|male,Marlene|female"), see also AWS TTS voices. Additionally the "#" separator may be used to opt for another speech engine like "Neural". Example: "Brian#Neural|male,Emma#Neural|female,Amy#Standard|female" |
awsPollyAccessKey | String | - | Access key for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation. This access key needs to belong to user that is configured in AWS IAM service with permission to create files on the S3 bucket (see awsPollyBucket) and also has permissions to fully access AWS Polly. |
awsPollySecretKey | String | - | Secret key for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation. This secret key needs to belong to user that is configured in AWS IAM service with permission to create files on the S3 bucket (see awsPollyBucket) and also has permissions to fully access AWS Polly. |
awsPollyRegion | String | - | AWS region for the S3 bucket to store for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation |
awsPollyBucket | String | - | S3 bucket to store for AWS Polly TTS voice output generation |
awsPollyBucketKeyPrefix | String | - | Prefix for all paths on the S3 bucket, where AWS Polly TTS voice output generation is stored (optional) |
awsPollySampleRate | int | 22050 | Sample rate of the TTS sound files |
awsPollyDelay | int | 0 | Delay between Polly tasks in milliseconds, this can be tweaked to avoid Polly API exceeding limits |
awsPollyReadTitle | bool | false | Flag indicating whether the title should be read prior to reading the content |
ignoreAdvertisementInTTS | bool | false | Flag indicating whether advertisements should be ignored for TTS |
skipArticleCreation | bool | false | Skip creation of read mode articles, used only for Purple Hub based article model on top of PDFs |
externalLinkSchema | String | - | Schema for creating external links instead of read-mode links for article touch areas (e.g. purple://kiosk/issue/by_external_id/{epub}-{page}-{seq}), used only for Purple Hub based article model on top of PDFs |
webViewUrlSchema | String | - | Schema for URL of web-views that are rendered instead of article touch areas (e.g. resource://dynamic/storefront/dispatcher.html?issue={epub}&article={epub}-{page}-{seq}), used only for Purple Hub based article model on top of PDFs |
noImageScaling | bool | false | Per default all images that have more than 2048 width or height are scaled down to 2048. If this flag is set this downscaling is switched off, so that each image is put into read mode with its original dimensions. |
indexArticleContent | bool | false | If this is switched on a search index is created from the EPUB article content. This index is better than the standard content extracted from the PDF. As this is a new feature, it is not active per default but highly recommended to be switched on. |
customReadModeFileName | String | - | If empty, the custom read mode files from dynamic app resources are referenced by resource://dynamic/readmode/custom.css and resource://dynamic/readmode/custom.js If this parameter is set, the resource name "custom" is replaced with this value. E.g. setting this parameter to "readmode" will result in resource://dynamic/readmode/readmode.css and resource://dynamic/readmode/readmode.js Use this parameter to migrate from a deprecated custom read mode implementation to a new one. |
enableArticleInViewData | bool | false | Adds data about articles in view to content in order to support tracking of articles in view. This requires the setting for articleIdSchema properly set, as this defines how articles are identified uniquely. |
articleIdSchema | String | {source} | Template to define how articles are identified. The template may use these variables: {issue} "Source name" of the issue, see issueSourceNameTemplate {source} Original file name of the article in the EPUB file. {target} Name of the article file in the pkar file. {page} Page number (starting with 1) the article starts on {seq} Sequence number of the article on the starting page {title} Title of the article {author} Author of the article (if given in the meta information within the EPUB article) {section} Section of the article (if known) |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
importHub | bool | false | Import articles into Purple Hub |
importHubOnly | bool | false | Import articles only into the Purple Hub, i.e. do not create the normal issue output for that publication |
importPdfPages | bool | false | Import the PDF pages to the Purple Hub to support article modification with a PDF preview |
importPdfToHub | bool | false | Import the PDF itself to the Purple Hub, so it can be downloaded from the web presenter. |
baseUrl | String | - | The Purple Hub base URL |
username | String | - | Username used to import articles to the Purple Hub (e.g. "importer" or "[email protected]" if direct publishing to app is used (publishLive or publishPreview), for this use case the user needs to be added to the Purple Manager team as an editor with access to publications that the content is published to) |
password | String | - | Password of the user used to import articles to the Purple Hub (for [email protected] look ) |
purpleTeams | String | - | The team ID for the posts |
publishLiveWeb | bool | false | Publish to web channel |
publishLive | bool | false | Publish to app channel into a live version |
publishPreview | bool | false | Publish to app channel into a preview version |
accountId | String | - | Team of the app/publication the live content is published to (required if publishLive or publishPreview is active) |
appId | String | - | App the live content is published to (required if publishLive or publishPreview is active) |
publicationId | String | - | Publication the live content is published to (required if publishLive or publishPreview is active) |
isIssue | bool | false | Define whether content should be posted as issue or as simple articles |
includeCSS | bool | false | Include css classes from EPUB by mapping (this should be set to true for proper styling options) |
author | int | - | The author of the posts (WP user ID) - not required |
coverCategory | String | Cover | Default category for cover (if isIssue=true the cover is also imported as a post, so it may have a category) |
issueAccessLevel | int | 0 | Issue access level (0=free, 1=paid, 2=locked) |
adsFreeAccess | bool | false | If issueAccessLevel is not 0=free and adsFeeAccess is true, ads will be imported as free articles. |
ignoreImages | bool | false | Ignore all images in articles (like in some special configuration's archives) |
ignoreAdvertisement | bool | false | Do not import advertisement articles (false=import advertisement articles) |
ignoreSections | bool | false | Ignore sections (i.e. do not set them as category), per default the section is added as a category to each post |
skipWithTag | String | - | Skip all articles with one of these tags (separator: |), tags are coming from the div container within the body and may be "coverstory", "cover", etc. |
includeWithTag | String | - | Include only articles with one of these tags (separator: |), tags are coming from the div container within the body and may be "coverstory", "cover", etc. |
skipWithSection | String | - | Skip all articles with one of these sections (separator: |) |
skipWithTitle | String | - | Skip all articles with one of these titles (separator: |) |
sectionAsText | bool | false | Put section into content as text as a first element |
mappedClasses | String | - | Mapping of EPUB classes to Purple Hub classes. Mappings are separated with | and defined by epubClass=hubClass, example: article-pull-quote=quote|article-standfirst=standfirst|article-callout=callout |
articleHeaderContainer | bool | false | Put article header in a header container |
articleHeadingContent | bool | false | Put article heading into content as text |
dropCaps | bool | false | Automatically add drop caps to the first paragraph |
dropCapsMinLetters | int | - | Minimum number of letters of a drop cap paragraph (e.g. 300) |
featuredImage | bool | false | Set featured image (thumbnail) for each article if available |
gallery | bool | false | Import multiple images in a row (i.e. without text inbetween except image captions) as gallery (slider gallery) |
imageGrid | bool | false | Import galleries with small images (< 768 width) as image grid (masonary component) |
hero | bool | false | Import first big image as hero image |
heroParallax | bool | false | Set parallax effect on hero image |
imageMaxSize | int | - | Maximum size of the images (all images with a height or width larger than this will be downscaled) |
imageMinSize | int | - | Minimum size of the images (all images with a height or width smaller than this will be ignored) |
stripColors | bool | false | Strips all individual colors from EPUB input |
stripDropCaps | bool | false | Strips all drop-caps from EPUB input |
skipSortOrder | bool | false | This needs to be set to "true" for importing into the new Purple Hub (like, or Otherwise the import will fail! For older instances of the Purple Hub this setting must NOT be used as otherwise the import also will fail. |
updateMode | String | - | Default is that articles in Purple Hub are always created as new ones. If this is set to update all existing articles are updated. If is set to fail, the import fails if any article is already present in the Purple Hub. |
config | String | standardMag | fullMag | fcKoeln | Presets for certain types of import configs: config flags standardMag isIssue=true includeCSS=true importPdfPages=true featuredImage=true dropCaps=true dropCapsMinLetters=300 gallery=true imageGrid=true articleHeadingContent=true fullMag isIssue=true includeCSS=true importPdfPages=true featuredImage=true articleHeaderContainer=true hero=true heroParallax=true dropCaps=true dropCapsMinLetters=300 gallery=true imageGrid=true articleHeadingContent=true isIssue=true includeCSS=true importPdfPages=true featuredImage=true gallery=true imageGrid=true articleHeadingContent=true sectionAsText=true You may overwrite other flags or one of the flags predefined by the config by declaring those additionally. |