Hub Appearance

Setting up the new post overview in Purple Hub


Purple Hub


This article describes the settings available for the new post overview in Purple Hub, so that you can adjust the filters and fields displayed in the post overview to the specific needs of your news room.


Settings Page

When logged in as an Administrator in Purple Hub, in the left hand side menu, below 'Settings' you can find the 'Post Overview Settings'

'Post Overview Settings'
'Post Overview Settings'

General Settings

In the 'General settings' on top of the page, you have two options:

Show post excerpt

General Settings in the Post Overview Setup Page
General Settings in the Post Overview Setup Page

Show post excerpt: By checking this box, you enable the display of the post excerpt within the post overview (1). As well as being displayed, you will also be able to copy the excerpt and to increase the size of the column so that the entire excerpt is readable within the Post Overview (2).

Excerpt displayed in the Post Overview
Excerpt displayed in the Post Overview

Automatic Refresh

General Settings in the Post Overview Setup Page
General Settings in the Post Overview Setup Page

Automatic Refresh: Checking this check box, you enable the automatic refresh mechanism in the Post Overview.

Top Filter Configuration

What is set up with the 'Top Filter Configuration'?

The 'top filter configuration' has influence on the filters that are displayed on the top of the post overview.

Top filters in post overview
Top filters in post overview

How to set up the 'Top Filter Configuration'?

You can see the settings for all existing (like posts/articles, pages, issues, dossiers) and your custom post types (such as recipes, bands, etc.). You can select which of these you want to see as filters and columns in your post overviews by ticking the boxes next to them.

It is recommended that the selected options for the 'Top Filter Configuration' are a subset of the 'Filterable Fields' configuration.

Top Filter Configuration
Top Filter Configuration

Don't forget to click 'Save Settings' at the bottom of the page to make your changes take effect.

Filterable fields

What is set up with the 'Filterable Fields' settings?

The 'Filterable Fields' configuration has influence on the filters that can be selected in the settings on top of the post overview, when clicking on 'All filters'.

All Filters button in post overview
All Filters button in post overview

The configured options for filters will be displayed on the left hand side of the dialog, the selected one is highlighted in Purple.

'All Filters' settings in post overview
'All Filters' settings in post overview

Besides, those filters will be also available to be saved as personal filters, via the 'Save Filter' button.

Save Filter Button 'All Filters' settings in post overview
Save Filter Button 'All Filters' settings in post overview

Also the columns displayed in your post overview list are determined by this settings.

Columns in post overview list
Columns in post overview list

How to set up the 'Filterable Fields' configuration?

You can see the settings for all existing (like posts/articles, pages, issues, dossiers) and your custom post types (such as recipes, bands, etc.). You can select which of these you want to see as filterable fields in the in the 'All Filters' dialogue in your post overviews by ticking the boxes next to them.

It is recommended that the selected options for the 'Top Filter Configuration' are a subset of the 'Filterable Fields' configuration.

Filterable fields configuration
Filterable fields configuration

Please note: If you deactivate "Categories" or "Tags" as a filter, these values will not be available as columns in the Post Overview either.

Don't forget to click 'Save Settings' at the bottom of the page to make your changes take effect.