Content Hierarchy

Create a taxonomy in Hub


Purple Hub


In this article, you learn how to create a taxonomy in Purple Hub. You will assign it to a post type and create a parent-child relation for it.


  • Have the 'Administrator' role in your Hub
  • Have the 'CPT UI' plugin enabled in your Hub

How-to guide

1. Go to Purple Hub and click on 'CPT UI' in the sidebar.

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2. Click 'Add/Edit Taxonomies'.

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3. In the 'Taxonomy Slug' field, enter the desired slug for your new taxonomy (which will occur in the URL as well) in lower case letters, e.g. 'cuisine'.

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4. Next to 'Plural Label', enter the plural of the term naming your new taxonomy e.g. 'Cuisines' (starting with a capital letter)

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5. Next to 'Singular Label', enter the Singular of the term naming your new taxonomy e.g. 'Cuisine' (starting with a capital letter).

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6. Next to 'Auto-populate labels', click on 'Populate additional labels based on chosen labels'

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7. Next to 'Attach to Post Type' choose the post type(s) that you want your new taxonomy to be listed below, e.g. 'Recipes'

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8. Scroll down to 'Settings' and click on the 'Hierarchical' dropdown.

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9. Choose 'True' in the dropdown and click on it.

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10. Click 'Add Taxonomy'.

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You have now successfully created a new taxonomy, assigned it to a post type and created a parent-child relation for it. You will be able to access your new post type from the left-hand side menu bar, below the assigned custom type, e.g. 'Cuisines' below 'Recipes' and you can create taxonomy terms for it.