Managing Content
Publishing content

Using "Scheduled Actions"



You will learn what "Scheduled Actions" are, how to enable this feature, and how to use them.


  • Have a Purple Editor role in the Purple Hub
  • Have an administrator enable the "Scheduled Actions" feature for you in your Hub

See also

What are scheduled actions?

Scheduled actions are times in the future where an article automatically gets modified. They are shown and can be managed in the sidebar of the editor, in the "Upcoming actions" section. Currently, we support scheduled publishing and scheduled unpublishing as actions. As seen in the screenshot below, multiple actions can be defined for an article, even multiple actions of the same type. This way, complex visibility changes of the content can be planned and configured in advance.

Adding a new scheduled action: Users can choose the type of action, and the exact date and time it should happen.
Adding a new scheduled action: Users can choose the type of action, and the exact date and time it should happen.

Complex sequence of publish and unpublish actions
Complex sequence of publish and unpublish actions

If the publishing date of the article is set to a date in the future, there will always also be a scheduled publish-event in the list of upcoming events corresponding to it. But if the article is set to publish "immediately" or is set to a date in the past, no upcoming publish event is shown in the list.

Only one configured unpublish action, with an article that has a publish date in the past.
Only one configured unpublish action, with an article that has a publish date in the past.

Migrating to scheduled actions

Scheduled actions are an opt-in-feature, meaning existing projects will not have this by default, but it needs to be activated by an administrator on the hub-settings-page.

Articles that have a configured unpublish date will be migrated to scheduled actions, so that they have an unpublish-action on the same time as configured beforehand.

Careful: There is no automated data migration for the reverse operation, so when disabling the scheduled actions feature again, posts will have no unpublishing date configured.

Before activating scheduled actions
Before activating scheduled actions

With scheduled actions activated
With scheduled actions activated