Using variants of your articles
Purple Hub
This guide explains how to use article (post) variants in Purple Hub using the Purple Variants feature. Variants allow you to create different versions of content for different platforms, such as online and print. This can be useful if, for example, you want to communicate differently in print than online. You could include interactive elements such as videos or podcasts in the online variant, with a different approach to displaying images, such as using image sliders.
- Have the "Purple Variants" Plugin enabled in Purple Hub. This can only be done by a Super Admin, a role restricted to Purple staff. If you want us to enable the Plugin for you open a ticket in our Support Helpdesk.
- Have Purple Variants configured (to be done by an Admin). Learn here how to Configure Purple Variants

- Once the types of variants you want are configured, you can find each variant type in the left-hand menu of the Purple Hub.
- Think of it as a filter. From there you will find a dedicated link to access all items of a particular variant type.
- For example, under 'Print' you will find all the items for which you have created a print variant.
- You can also add a new item of this variant by clicking on 'Add new (...)'.

- Once you have configured the variants you want, you will see a 'Variants' column automatically displayed in the Purple Hub's Article Overview.
- Once you have an article for which you have created variants, you will see the icons for those variants in the 'Variants' column of the Item Overview.
- Clicking on a variant icon will take you to the variant of that article e.g. clicking on the print icon will take you to the print variant.

Working in an article you have the following options working with variants:
(1) Click on the variants button to have the variants menu displayed in the sidebar
(2) See an indication of which variant you are currently editing displayed on the top above the article
(3) Current Variant: Here you can find the type and title of the variant you are editing.
(4) Other Variants: Here you can find the type and title of the variant you have already created for this article. You can click the links to access the variants.
(5) Create new variant: By clicking on the '+' symbol next to a variant type, you can directly create a new variant of the desired variant type. When you create a new variant using the plus symbol, a new article is created, which is the variant you have selected (e.g. online) and contains the text from the variant you are originating from.