Bulk Publishing content
Purple Hub
Within Purple Hub, you have the ability to bulk publish content, giving you a convenient way to publish a large amount of content in one action, without having to touch each piece of content to make it public manually. Bulk publishing in Purple Hub works for all content types and all existing publications in your Hub. It also allows you to define a bulk order (new to old/old to new) and specify a date range. This article provides a quick step-by-step guide to bulk publishing your content.
Please note that the content that is part of the published batch will be blocked from all editing until the publishing process has been successfully completed.
Have at least the role of a 'Managing-Editor' in Purple Hub. Learn more: Overview of roles & rights in Purple Hub
1. On the left side menu in Purple Hub, click on 'Bulk Publish'
2. Click on 'Publish Content'
3. Select the Post type to publish and the Publication to publish:
3. Select the 'Post Status to include in bulk action' by checking the checkbox. If multiple exist you can choose every single status if you wish to
4. Below 'Bulk Order', click on 'New to old'
It is recommended that you select 'New to Old' due to the process behind it; when the bulk publishing process begins, each post of the chosen type and status is frozen and cannot be edited until it has been processed. This is done in batches of 25, so after 25 posts have been processed they will be available for editing again.
5. Under 'Date range', select the last modified date range to define when you want posts to be included.
6. Click on 'Publishing'
After clicking Start Publishing, you will be presented with a message box informing you of the process you are about to start. You can continue and click Start Publishing, or cancel the process and change the settings before starting.
7. Click on 'Start Publishing'
8. After initiating the process you will be informed that the process has been initiated. Click on 'Close'
9. You will now see the overview and status of the bulk processing progress. The status view tells you which user initiated the process, how many posts are affected and how far done the process is.
Every user currently working within Purple Hub will also be informed that there is a bulk publishing process active via a Bulk Publishing Widget
10. When the bulk publishing process is complete, you as the initiator will receive an email informing you that the pipeline has passed through each affected post. If any items have not been processed, there will be a table of all items that have not been processed.