Configure the feedback email in the app with Experience Builder
Experience Builder
In this article, you learn how to configure the feedback email in your app with the Experience Builder. You learn, how to change the email subject and email body and add a recipient email from inside your company. Afterwards, you update the Dynamic resources and merge the changes.
- Email address from a recipient of your customer's feedback emails from inside your company
- A subject line
- A body text
1. Go to Experience Builder, choose your app from the list and click on it

2. Click on 'Pull from preview'

3. Click on 'email_feedback_subject.mustache'

4. Now mark and overwrite the text 'App Feedback' between the curly braces with your desired email subject text for the feedback email, e.g. rename it to 'App support question' so that it looks like:
{{appName}} - App Support question ({{platform}})
5. Click on 'email_feedback_body.mustache'

6. In the first line, next to -- you can now add your desired text for the feedback email. e.g. 'Please add your question here'

7. Don't overwrite the code below, so that it looks like in the screenshot.

8. Click on 'email_feedback_config.json'

9. Go to line 4 and add a comma behind the orange email address, so that it looks like: "[email protected]",

10. Mark and copy the orange email address in line 4 "[email protected]" and paste it directly below (don't copy the comma)

11. You can now overwrite the copied email address with the email address of your desired recipient of the feedback email in your company

12. You can now overwrite the copied email address with the email address of your desired recipient of the feedback email in your company

13. Click on 'Update Dynamic Resources'

14. Name your changes, e.g. 'configured-feedback-email

15. Click on 'Merge all files to preview'

You have successfully configured the feedback email in your app and added a receipient in your company so that your readers feedback emails are going to this email adress. Besides, you merged the changes and updated the dynamic resources. You can test the result in the preview and push the changes live, if they look fine, to make them visible in your live app.