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Create a CSR



In order to create an iOS Distribution Certificate, we need to create a “fingerprint” from our Keychain access software on our MAC. This file is called 'Certificate signing request', or 'CSR'.


  • An Apple Mac

How-to guide

1. Open the Keychain Access application on your Mac. You can find it in the “Utilities” folder within the “Applications” folder.

2. In Keychain Access, go to the "Keychain Access" menu, select "Certificate Assistant," and then choose "Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority."

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3. Enter your email address and a common name (usually your name or your organization's name) for the certificate. Please keep CA Email blank and select “Saved to disk” do not check “Let me specify key pair information” and click Continue.

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4. Choose a filename & destination on your hard drive and click the save button.

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5. In the next window, click on "Show In Finder" to locate your CSR file

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You have now successfully created your CSR file and can continue to create a P12 certificate