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Create an App Identifier


To create an App Identifier in your Apple Developer Account, follow these steps: 1. Log in to your Apple Developer Account and sign in using your developer account credentials. 2. Access the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section and select the "Identifiers" option.

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3. Click the '+' button to register a new App ID.

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4. Choose the option 'App IDs'.

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5. Click 'Continue'

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6. Next to 'Select a type' click on 'App'.

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7. Click on 'Continue'.

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8. In the register screen, you need to do the following steps

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  • A) Below 'Description': Enter a descriptive name for your App ID.
  • B) Below 'App ID Prefix': Specify your 'App ID Prefix'. This is typically generated automatically based on your Apple Developer Team or can be selected from a list of available prefixes.
  • C) Next to 'Bundle ID' (radio button): Select 'Explicit'
  • D) Below 'Bundle ID' (entry field): Enter the Bundle Identifier for your app. The Bundle Identifier should be in reverse-domain notation (e.g., com.example.myapp).
  • E) Below 'Capabilities': Enable any App Services that your app requires by checking the checkboxes, such as Game Center, In-App Purchase, or Push Notifications.

9. Review the summary of the configured App ID to ensure accuracy and register the App ID by clicking 'Continue'. 10. Verify that the details of the App ID are correct on the summary page. If everything looks accurate, click 'Register' to complete the process.

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You have now successfully created an App Identifier in your Apple Developer Account. This identifier can be used for various purposes, including generating provisioning profiles, creating certificates, and enabling specific app services.