Purple App Experience
Upload logos for your App
Android: Enable adaptive app i...

Creating adaptive app icons for Android



For devices using Android O and higher, it is necessary to store an additional app icon (an adaptive app icon). This icon is displayed on the home screen of the reader's Android device (smartphone or tablet) and ideally contains the logo/icon of your app. The best practice is to have all app icons across both iOS and Android devices share the same look and feel, to ensure brand consistency.

In this article, you learn how the adaptive app icons are structured.

Please read this description prior to creating your adaptive app icon.

Possibilities for shaping your app icon
Possibilities for shaping your app icon


  • Both layers are at least 432 x 432 pixels
  • The background must be fully opaque
  • The foreground layer may include transparency
  • These layers are stacked on top of each other
  • Please create both as PNGs
Depiction of both layers of the adaptive app icon
Depiction of both layers of the adaptive app icon


You can find a template to hand over to your designer here:


How your icon should look like:

App icon foreground
App icon foreground

App icon background
App icon background


Please note: It's important that your logo/Icon for the foreground has enough space to the outer border, so that the icon is not getting cut.

The following dimensions must be taken into account:

1. 432 pixels is the total size of the icon area.

2. 262 pixels is the safe area for the different shapes of the adaptive icon.

3. 211 pixels is a small distance between the logo and the edges of the adaptive icon to avoid cropping.

Specifications of the dimensions of the adaptive app icon
Specifications of the dimensions of the adaptive app icon

In order to check whether the dimensions of the icon fit, we recommend the following website, where you can upload and check the foreground and background files. https://adaptive-icon-tester.nabettu.com/ 

The adaptive App Icon will be uploaded to the Purple Manager, so that you can use it for your Purple Android App. Android: Enable adaptive app icon and splash screen provides additional information on this.