VG Wort
Purple Experience
We have summarised the most important parts of the VG Wort integration for the Purple Experience here. Please refer to the latest version of the original VG Wort integration guide. At the time of writing, version 2.26 is current.
For any Content, a VG Wort pixel is added to the source code of the website. After a grace period for the content to undergo editorial changes, (usually, as recommended by VG Wort, 14 days) the content and author information is posted to VG Wort Systems.
To ensure legacy content is properly tracked, please make sure to import the original tracking information to Purples' systems. Purple will render the tracking codes, but any content created from legacy systems must be posted to VG Wort Systems from the legacy system.
- You'll need to set up and gather some data from VG Wort to implement this.
- Make sure you have enabled "Verlagsinterne Zählmarken"
- VG-Wort Zählmarken Domäne
- VG-Wort Karteinummer
- In addition to tracking, you will also need to set up services in the Purple Hub to connect authors to the article tracking system.
Purple currently does not support BASE64 encoded pixels for VG Wort. We generally use "Verlagsinterne Zählmarke". The pixel mostly consists of three parts:
- “” the tracking domain. A specific one is issued per each customer by VG Wort.
- “/na/” which is just a part of the tracking pixel and must not be omitted.
- “vgzm.970-123456789”, the properly formatted, internal key of the publisher for the text in question.
- It's always built from the prefix „vgzm.“ , and the VG Wort Karteinummer of the publisher, followed by a "-" and the publisher-unique id of the content.
- The Id must not contain any characters other than [a-z][A-Z][0-9] and periods (dots), hyphens (minus) and underscores. As it is otherwise freely configurable, you may decide to add further information to it.
- If the content is paid, another prefix, "pw-" is added.
Example free:" Example paid:"
- pixel must be integrated in the body
- respect special requirements when loading full content lazy and indefinitely
- respect requirements for meta tags on page
The Pixel is created from a bit javascript set in the custom server.js.
The integration as <img>-tag is done via views.json. Find an example for such a section below.
As soon as tracking is implemented as stated above, you can enable VG-Wort reporting from the Purple Manager. The data is transferred, by request of VG Wort, with a minimum delay of two weeks.
VG-Wort reporting is to be configured per Purple Manager Team. Furthermore, the actual public live domains must be marked at the "Experience" page of the app in the Purple Manager, as the live article URLs are to be provided to VG-Wort.
As requested by VG-Wort the reporting is done every night between 10pm and 3am only. During that time, error reports are being sent to email addresses configured in the Purple Manager. Errors may contain hints like "The article has less than 1800 characters" or "At least one author is required". The errors can be ignored. But if articles are changed after such an error code is received, we try to report the changed article to VG-Wort again the following night.
For an article to be successfully sent, at least one taxonomy of type author must be present. The values of its properties first_name, last_name and vgwortauthor are sent to VG Wort. The property vgwortauthor should contain the VG Wort card number (Karteinummer) of the author.