3rd party integrations
Tracking and Analytics

Purple Tracking


Getting started

A native Purple App technically consists of a native part and a Purple Experience part that runs within a web view. The Purple Experience is the dynamic area in the app that you can configure by adjusting the dynamic resources. More on the topic of dynamic resources and how to integrate the file there can be found in the Purple Experience Builder chapter.

Both of the above mentioned app components can trigger events through user interaction. This means that some of the events are only triggered in the native app area, while the other part is only triggered by the Purple Experience area. With a few exceptions, this technical distinction is reflected in the naming of the tracking keys. A more detailed description of tracking keys can be found here: Configuration: Event and attribute.

If an event is triggered by the corresponding user interaction, it is first transferred to the app's internal tracking management. Further processing takes place there before the events are forwarded to the specific tracking services. This essentially consists of 2 points:

  1. Filter events or complete event types
  2. Configuration of events and preparation of the event data for specific tracking services

Both points mentioned are configured by the "tracking_config.json" file. This file is of JSON format and is also part of the dynamic resources. You can find out exactly how this configuration works in the Tracking Configuration chapter.

In addition to the aforementioned integration of Purple Experience in a native Purple app, Purple Experience can also be provided as a stand-alone solution on the web. The following graphics show a simplified overview of the entire tracking process for both variants:

Experience as part of the native Purple App

Simplified overview of tracking process in Purple Apps
Simplified overview of tracking process in Purple Apps

Experience as stand alone web integration

Simplified overview of tracking process in web
Simplified overview of tracking process in Web

Process summary for both variants

  1. Various events are triggered by the user's interaction with the app or web.
  2. Forwarding of the events to the internal tracking management.
  3. Using the "tracking_config.json" file to filter and prepare the events for the specific tracking services.
  4. Sending the events to the specific tracking services.

How to proceed from here

In this process, the following three questions arise so that a functioning tracking can be set up for your Purple App:

  1. Which events can I use or are available to me as a Purple Customer?
    The events available in a Purple App are listed in the Tracking Events chapter and in its subchapters.
  2. How can I configure these events? Which event is sent to which tracking service and how? The configuration of events is described in the Tracking Configuration chapter and its subchapters.
  3. Which tracking services can I use? The tracking services that can be integrated into Purple Apps are documented in the Tracking Services chapter. The individual tracking services are described there at a technical level.

Once you have read all three chapters carefully you will be able to set up tracking for your apps.

Updated 03 Jul 2024
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