Purple Manager: Invite a user to a team and assign a role
Purple Manager
In this article, you will learn how to invite a new user to your team and assign them a role in Purple Manager. You will also learn how to assign roles for App Administration and assign an app to users, and how to assign a user to the Editor Role and assign them a Publication.
If you want your user to also work in your connected Purple Hub, first follow the steps below and then proceed with the steps described here.
- Have a team created in Purple Manager
- Have an app created in Purple Manager
- Have a publication created in Purple Manager
Find further information in this article: Team Management in Purple Manager
1. Go to Purple DS Manager → Teams and click on your Team.

2. Click 'Members'.

3. Click 'Invite'.

4. Type the email of the new user in the Email text field.

5. Next to 'Role' → 'App Admin' choose if you want the user to be Admin for none, all, or just specific apps, e.g. 'Yes (Selection)'
If your added user should also become a user of the connected Purple Hub, it's mandatory to choose 'Yes' or 'Yes (Selection)' next to 'App Admin' Role.

6. Next to 'Role' → 'Editor' select if you want the user to be Editor for none, all, or just specific apps, e.g. 'Yes (Selection)'.
If your added user should also become a user of the connected Purple Hub, it's mandatory to choose 'Yes' or 'Yes (Selection)' next to 'Editor' Role.

7. Click on 'App Admin'

8. From the list, select the app that requires App Admin rights and click the arrow symbol to assign it to them. It will then move to the 'Assigned Apps' list.

9. You will now find the assigned app in the list on the right side below 'Assigned Apps'

10. Click on 'Editor'

11. From the list of 'Available Publications', select the publication the user needs editor rights for. Click on the arrow symbol to assign it to them. It will then be available under their Assigned Publications.

12. You will find the assigned publication now in the list on the right side below 'Assigned Publications'

13. Click on 'Invite'

You have now invited a new user as a member to your team. The user has the right to work in Purple Manager on the assigned app in an App Admin role and to work on the assigned publication in an Editor role. Besides, the new user is able to log in to the connected Purple Hub (if you granted the 'App Admin' and 'Editor' Role accordingly).