
Troubleshooting Push not received in the App



Find in this article options for troubleshooting in case of push notification issues in Purple Apps.


If users are not receiving push notifications, follow the structured steps outlined below:


Identify the scope of the issue

Determine if the problem affects a single user, a small group, or all users.


Larger user groups or all users affected

If it affects a larger group, it's likely an App-related problem.

1.Check, if the user receives the push notification pop-up at the start of the App.

Push notification pop-up at App start
Push notification pop-up at App start

2. If no push notification pop-up is shown at App start, verify if the Push SDK is activated for this App; if not, investigate why.

  • Check if push is enabled in the App in Purple Manager.
  • Was the App also re-build und re-submitted after activating Push in Purple Manager?
  • Is it possible that Push has been activated but not all users have installed the latest version of the App? If this could be the case, please activate 'Forced Update' so that all users update to the App version with the SDK. Learn how to Enable 'Forced Update' for your App

3. Configuration Issues with Consent Management:

  • If Consent Management (CMP) is activated in the Purple Manager, ensure it is displayed in the App as well.
  • If not, there may be a configuration error affecting the Push SDK, which can also influence the behaviour of the Push SDK so that pushes are not displayed in the App.
  • Verify the CMP settings in Purple Manager and ensure it can toggle features on and off in the App. Learn more about Consent Management for Purple App & Web

4. For Fewer Users, specifically on Apple Devices:

  • Check if the Apple Transparency Dialog (ATT) is activated in Purple Manager. Learn how to Set the iOS privacy alert
  • If the user rejects tracking in the Apple ATT dialogue during the initial App start, the SDK including the push function is also deactivated: If the user has rejected tracking, the Push SDK may not work.
  • In such cases, the user should reinstall the App and allow tracking in the App's Apple ATT dialogue settings while App start .
Apple Transparency DialogPush notification pop-up at app start
Apple Transparency Dialog Push notification pop-up at app start

5. User-Specific or Device-Related Problems:

If the issue is specific to certain users or devices, consider it a personalised problem:

  • Verify that the user has allowed push notifications in their device settings.
  • For Apple devices, make sure that the Transparency Dialog is acknowledged.

Small user groups or a specific user affected

Building on the first part where we addressed issues affecting all users or a significant number of users, let's now focus on cases where only one or very few users are affected.

If the problem is isolated to a single user or a very small group, it's likely related to the user or their device.

1.Permission for notifications

  • Check if the user received the 'Allow Notifications' pop-up and if they clicked 'Allow.'
Push notification pop-up at app start
Push notification pop-up at app start

  • Verify with your user, in the device settings (in the users device) if notifications are enabled for the App.
  • If the user has not agreed, the App should be reinstalled and notifications should be allowed at the Allow notifications pop up

2. Apple-Specific Considerations:

  • For Apple devices, confirm if there are global settings disabling notifications for all Apps on the users device.
  • In such cases, suggest changing the global setting in the device and reinstalling the App and granting notification permissions after installation.

3. SDK Activation and App Version:

  • If the user claims not to receive push notifications, it might indicate that the SDK is not activated in Purple Manager.
  • Verify if the customer recently activated push
  • Does the user have the current App version with the SDK activated? This could be the case if the Push service was activated in a recent version of the app. You could use the feedback function in the App to let your user send you an email so that you learn about his installed App version. Learn more: Find out app version and device ID
  • If not, guide the user to update the App from the store.
  • If the right App version was on the users device, that’s an indicator, that you might have misconfigured the Push SDK, to fix that you need to adjust the configuration in Purple Manager and rebuild and resubmit the App.