Gallery Block in Purple Hub
Purple Hub
For displaying galleries with the Purple Hub, we use the Gallery Block from Gutenberg Editor. In this article, you learn how to arrange several images to make them being displayed as a gallery in your article or post, so that the user can swipe through.
You find further options and setting for galleries in the external WordPress article.
- Have an article created in the Hub
- Have at least three images uploaded to your Media Gallery
- Have the Purple Editor role
1. Go to 'Home' in your Purple Hub

2. Click on 'Purple Feed'

3. Click on 'Articles'

4. Choose an article from the list and click on it

5. Click on '+' to add a block

6. Choose the gallery block from the list and click on it

7. In the block, click on 'Media Library'

8. Choose an image from the list and click on it

9. Click on 'Create a new gallery'

10. Click on 'Add to gallery'

11. Choose another image from the list and click on it

12. Click on 'Add to gallery'

13. Choose another image from the list and click on it

14. Click on 'Add to gallery'

15. Click on 'Insert gallery'

16. Click on 'Update & Publish'

17. Click on 'Close'