Building a Purple Experience
Purchases, Entitlement & Coupo...



Purple Experience 

Purple Experience supports the creation of paywalls. As on a per customer-basis, different systems and third-party systems are in use, there always are specialities in your specific project expected.

We define paywall as the UI that will block a user from consuming content he is not entitled for. (For details on configuring entitlements, see Entitlement.)

Often, specific content is marked as paid content, while other content from the same application is available without a subscription.

Paywall behaviour

Any content that is marked as paid will be initially loaded with a paywall. On runtime, we evaluate the entitlement of the user and based on the result remove paywall and display the actual content. With that, we provide highest safety for the content while allowing for efficient caching policies.

This approach may lead in a flickering behaviour when the paywall is removed, depending on internet connectivity or influence of browser plugins. On very slow connection, users may see the paywall for a longer period of time until the actual content is available.